2016年6月11日 星期六


  1. 溝通。沒有什麽比與員工坦誠的溝通,更能夠讓他們去除焦慮與不確定的感覺。你應該告訴他們公司所面臨的形勢,發生了什麽事情,並且告訴他們公司預備如何度過難關。
  2. 邀請提供意見。當人們受到邀請來貢獻意見時,他們通常會感到有責任參與解決問題。你可以建立一個論壇,或是召開會議,請員工提出如何協助公司改革的意見。
  3. 提升人才能力。如果你現有的員工確實不適任,你可以考慮外聘優秀人才。 做一些策略性的外聘,提升你的組織成員整體能力。
Let your team keep fighting
In today's difficult economic situation, it is not easy for your team members to maintain their fighting capacity.
The following leadership styles can help you focus your team members on the company's development and feel responsible and involved in its future development:
  1. Communication. There is nothing more open than communication with employees to remove anxiety and uncertainty. You should tell them what's going on with the company, what's going on, and how the company is going to pull through.
  2. Invites comments. When people are invited to contribute their opinions, they usually feel responsible to participate in solving problems. You can set up a forum, or hold a meeting, and ask employees to come up with ideas on how to help the company reform.
  3. Enhance the ability of talents. If your employees are really not competent, you can consider hiring outstanding talents. Do some strategic outsourcing to improve the overall capabilities of your organization members.


  1. 讓他們得到發展。人們需要成長。如果一時無法提供職位升級機會,你可以提供專業的訓練,或是安排有趣的新項目工作,或是讓他們在公司不同部門得到歷練機會。
  2. 讓他們參與。提供員工有機會參與公司決策以及解決艱難的問題,這樣他們就可以知道哪些技能對公司的成長是有幫助的。
  3. 支持發展團隊精神。鼓勵員工之間發展團隊精神,並且幫助他們消除團隊之間折磨人的官僚作業與行為,並且建立起團隊成員之間在工作之餘的互動關係。
Let team members be appreciated
When employees feel that they are valuable, they will feel satisfied, willing to work more seriously, and be motivated to do the best performance. As a leader, it's your responsibility to make employees feel appreciated.
In addition to saying "Thank you" to employees, you can use the following ways to enhance their gratitude:
  1. Let them develop. People need to grow. If you can't offer promotion opportunities at the moment, you can offer professional training, arrange interesting new projects, or give them experience in different departments of the company.
  2. Let them participate. Provide employees with the opportunity to participate in company decision-making and solve difficult problems so that they can know which skills are helpful to the growth of the company.
  3. Support the development of team spirit. Encourage the development of team spirit among employees, and help them eliminate the torturing bureaucracy and behavior between teams, and establish the interaction between team members after work.



Overoptimism hurts your team
Leaders usually show optimism about their work tasks. His self-confidence and "can do" attitude can inspire others. However, such a confident and optimistic attitude also has a negative effect.
For a project that is actually very difficult, if you take a positive view, people may think that it can be easily accomplished without much suffering. Moreover, if you neglect to underestimate the problems your team will face, it will cause others to worry about those risks. You may also send out a wrong message, misleading others into thinking that you have done all the evaluations and that there will be no problem.
Experienced executives know that mistakes are often unavoidable, and failure is a necessary price for creativity.
So next time, instead of asking your team members if they are confident, how difficult is it? Let us face the possible challenges pragmatically.


  1. 讓他們彼此認識。許多主管會認為團隊成員不需要知道彼此是誰,而仍然可以合作完成工作。這是錯誤的認知。你可以召開電話會議,鼓勵虛擬團隊的成員交談,說發生過哪些事,包含工作上的與私人的事情,建立起彼此的認識與私人情誼。
  2. 輪流領導。在辦公室之外,集中式的權力行使不會那麼有效力。讓你分散在各地的團隊成員輪流領導團隊。指定對於某個項目所需要的知識最熟悉的人來領導團隊,有的時候是技術領導,而有的時候是業務領導。
Build confidence in your virtual team
It's not easy to build team members' confidence in a traditional office, but it's even harder to build confidence in a virtual team scattered around the world.
But even if your team members are scattered around the globe, you can still build confidence among them if you can do the following:
  1. Let them know each other. Many managers think that team members don't need to know who each other is, but can still work together to get the job done. This is wrong perception. You can hold conference calls to encourage virtual team members to talk about what happened, including work and personal matters, and build mutual understanding and personal friendship.
  2. Leadership by turns. Outside the office, centralized exercise of power is less effective. Let your scattered team members take turns leading the team. Designate people who are most familiar with the knowledge required for a project to lead a team, sometimes as technical leaders and sometimes as business leaders.



How many tasks can a person give at the same time?
If you have only one thing to do, you can only do it wholeheartedly. It's easy to get things done by focusing all your energy on one job.
If you allocate time to deal with many things, you have to transfer between different jobs. Every time you change jobs, you lose some motivation, which affects your work efficiency. The more work you do, the more critical a point you will encounter. You have to do the same with the job itself and the process of changing jobs. Then productivity will plummet. Research shows that women reach a critical point when they handle seven jobs at the same time, while men do five.
Employees can be efficient if they focus on a small amount of work or goals. However, if the number is too small, some people will feel that the work is repetitive and boring, enthusiasm will gradually disappear, productivity will also decline; if too much, it will start to make mistakes.
When setting goals and tasks for team members, avoid listing all-encompassing responsibilities. Instead, you should write down clear goals for team members, not more than seven. The actual number is five, and less than three is better, so you are more likely to see results that meet expectations.
However, from the employee's point of view, how does the employer view his ability and performance? If you are willing to undertake too many work items, you have a great risk of disappointing the employer because you can't achieve the task. However, when the employer delivers too few work items to you, you should also pay attention to that the employer may have "stayed in school to see" you.




Don't make too many priorities
Too much pressure and overwork is a common situation in the workplace. Most leaders will feel that he has too many conflicting priorities.
However, little is known about the fact that under normal circumstances, the more work items a supervisor takes, the less money the company earns.
Facts show that most highly efficient companies only focus on high paid projects rather than assuming everything under the sun.
From now on, you should stop looking for more opportunities, and ask yourself, "what can I concentrate on good projects that can help my company win?"
You have to understand what you have the best you can do, and the abilities that others don't have, and then you can focus on the priorities you can succeed.
You should learn to reject those projects that you seem capable of doing, but are not nutritious.

2016年6月10日 星期五



Are you bothered enough?
Leadership is not a soldier operation. A leader is always surrounded by a group of people who criticize his ideas, his shortcomings and what he is asked to do.
To be an effective leader, you must have detailed information and sincere opinions from people.
Therefore, it is not enough to adopt an open attitude to receive information and opinions. You also have to bother others and invite others to bother you as much as possible.
You have to build such an open and trusting culture so that your team members know that the more willing you are to harass your people, the more popular you are.


  1. 適時出現。員工通常最困擾的,包含不能及時處置,浪費時間。這包含了員工在等你出席會議,給予指示。不要因為你是重要人物,就有權讓你的員工必須等待你的出現。
  2. 不要隨意打斷。找到適當的時間來和員工對話,而不要任意的叫喚集合、或要求員工必須中斷他手上在進行的工作,而以電話或郵件立即回復你突然的要求。
  3. 讓他們可以好好辯論一番。不要避免衝突。讓你的員工可以感到放心的相互辯論,甚至向你結辯。如此,他們即使有不同的意見,也會在討論過程中產生新的創意,提高團隊生產力。
How to support your team more effectively?
To accomplish a task, employees should overcome many difficulties, external threats and obstacles. A good boss will help his employees avoid these difficulties.
How to do it?
  1. Appear in time. Employees are often the most troubled, including not being able to handle in time and wasting time. This includes staff waiting for you to attend the meeting and giving instructions. Don't let your employees wait for you because you're an important person.
  2. Don't interrupt at will. Find the right time to talk to an employee, instead of calling a group at will or asking the employee to interrupt the work he is doing, and immediately respond to your sudden request by phone or email.
  3. Let them have a good debate. Don't avoid conflict. Let your employees feel at ease arguing with each other, even with you. In this way, even if they have different opinions, they will generate new ideas and improve team productivity in the process of discussion.


  1. 缺乏激勵作為。壞老闆的其中一種行為是看來被動或是一副精神萎靡。要激勵你的員工,你自己必須在工作上充滿能量與熱情。
  2. 不作為或是績效低落。當你接受平庸的工作表現,就會讓團隊失去生產力。為自己設定有挑戰力的目標,才不會讓團隊成員無所事事。
  3. 沒有方向。軟弱的領導者對未來的發展沒有方向感,不知道要往什麼方向發展,並且沒有計劃。你必須讓你的部屬有清楚的發展路線。
Don't be a bad boss
Bad bosses can be displayed in many ways, most seriously if they scare employees in public, or they will take other people's work as their own. However, you should also pay attention to the following unremarkable bad behaviors:
  1.  Lack of motivation. One of the bad behavior of a boss is passive or depressed. To motivate your employees, you must be full of energy and enthusiasm in your work.
  2. Inaction or low performance. When you accept mediocre performance, you lose the productivity of the team. Set challenging goals for yourself, so that team members will not be idle.
  3. There is no direction. A weak leader has no sense of direction for future development, he doesn't know what direction he wants to go in, and he has no plan. You must have a clear line of development for your subordinates.


  1. 召開會議來討論應有的期待。召集你的團隊在一起,公開討論這樣的不禮貌行為,說明你的期待。討論這樣的不禮貌行為如何影響了團隊的觀感,為何會發生這樣的行為?不應該有人會故意這樣做。
  2. 要求團隊成員停止不禮貌。有些人可能沒有意識到他的言行會造成他人的負面觀感。要求你的團隊成員看到出現如此的不好行為時,說出來,并解釋這樣的壞行為如何影響了他人。
Help the team members to notice their etiquette
As a leader in leadership, we all hope colleagues and subordinates will be polite to us. However, impolite behavior still exists.
The following ways can help your team members to be polite.
  1. Hold a meeting to discuss the expectations. Call your team together and discuss openly such impolite behavior to illustrate your expectations. How does such impolite behavior affect the perception of the team? Why does this happen? No one should do it on purpose.
  2. Ask team members were to stop being impolite. Some people may not realize that his words and actions can cause others to feel negative. Ask your team members to speak up when they see such a bad behavior and explain how such bad behavior affects others.


  1. 先考慮員工的需求。公平對待員工,讓他們做出符合他們以及公司需求的工作,而非只是符合你個人的需求。支持他們有機會做出傑出表現,並且承擔那些認真負責的員工所發生的失敗的責任。這樣會讓他們在數年之內對你保持忠誠。
  2. 進行授權。讓員工有自主權,可以激發他們的動力,做出數倍的工作效能。確保他們的激情可以符合公司發展方向,並且給他們高授權空間,資源,以及指導支持。拿掉可能會阻礙他們發展的障礙,協助他們去克服挑戰。最重要的,永遠讚揚與肯定他們做出的成功表現。
Two rules for keeping employees engaged
Every leader wants dedicated staff. But many bosses are not doing their part to make this happen. 
Here's what you can do to win your employees' commitment to due diligence: 
  1. Consider the needs of employees first. Treat your employees fairly and let them do jobs that suit their needs and those of the company, not just your personal needs. Support them to have the opportunity to excel and to take responsibility for the failures of those responsible employees. This will keep them loyal to you for years. 
  2. Delegation of authority. Giving employees autonomy can motivate them to work several times more efficiently. Make sure their passion is in line with the direction of the company, and give them a high degree of empowerment, resources, and mentoring support. Remove obstacles that may hinder their development and help them overcome challenges. Above all, always praise and acknowledge their successful performance.


  1. 更努力的去激勵他。不要輕易放棄更,更加倍的去努力。和他爸保持正面的對話。給他更高的期待,讓他願意投入努力去改善。
  2. 開發他的能力。不要只關注具有高潛力的員工,而冷落了那些低度發展的員工,一樣要給他們有挑戰性的工作。
  3. 帶他去用午餐。領導主管通常喜歡與他喜歡的員工在一起,而讓那些不愉快的員工感到被冷落、被排斥了。你一樣要對這些受到冷落的員工,給予足夠的關心。
Disgruntled employees
No one likes to lead unhappy employees. They do not accept incentives and refuse to make changes. However, giving up them is not the solution. Here are some of the more humane ways to make your most melancholy employee return to the right track.
  1. Work harder to motivate him. Do not give up more easily, more times to work. Keep a positive conversation with his dad. Give him higher expectations, let him willing to put in efforts to improve.
  2. Develop his ability. Do not focus solely on employees with high potential, but neglect those employees who are low in development, and give them challenging jobs as well.
  3. Take him to lunch. The leader usually likes to be with his favorite employees, and make the unpleasant employees feel left out and rejected. You should also give enough care to those who are left behind.



Remember that we were first coming
When we first entered the workplace, we were also the most basic employees in the company. We used to copy from others, to help pour coffee, always listen to people, but do not know why to do these jobs.
Nowadays, when we become senior employees in enterprises, we often forget our appearance when facing young people.
Please be respectful, respecting new people and the work they are assigned to, whether they are trivial tasks, or tasks that involve great vision.
Please explain to them why copying and helping people to pour coffee is important to the team and can lead them to the future success.
Please give them sincere feedback so that they can adapt to the working environment as soon as possible. If you guide them in public, or criticize them, it will only make no use of the matter, won't win their respect for you, and will hurt your personal image.



Encourage your team to challenge you
We usually indulge in people's praise of the values and actions we believe in. However, only the challenges that are inconsistent and difficult to reach consensus will prompt us to make smarter decisions. Are you clear to your employees that you want to hear something different from you?
When people are encouraged to express different opinions, they usually share more information, reconsider assumptions, propose creative alternatives, and warn you of your mistakes.
Let your team members know that you welcome them to suggest different opinions that will even contradict your ideas. If necessary, you can arrange for a person you can trust to communicate and coordinate.


聽到這些,即使是對你是負面的,不要辯解。你可以先聽,然後開始採取行動。 或許,你會發現與其你直接面對這樣的炮火,不如授權指派一名副手來處理,至少他可以先深入瞭解狀況,收集實際資訊,讓你能夠從容應對。或許,你會因此發現團隊中有不合羣的份子,你必須進一步溝通或是進行再教育。或是,你會發現有些管理政策已經不適宜,必須修正或去除。

As a leader, you have to ask questions
As a leader, you need to know what your team members need to do to get the job done.
So why don't you ask them? You can habitually ask them, "How can I help you and make you work more efficiently?"
You may get a lot of different responses, including his complaints about others, or directly criticize your leadership style, and say you can't actually do anything.
If you hear this, even if it's negative to you, don't explain it. You can listen first and start taking action. Perhaps, you will find that it is better to appoint an aide to deal with the fire that you face directly to such a fire. At least he can get to know the situation and collect the actual information, so that you can cope with it. Perhaps you will find that there are disagreements in the team. You have to communicate more or reeducate. Or, you will find that some management policies are not suitable and must be corrected or removed.
In short, it is the most basic task for leaders to keep an eye on how your team members need your support.



Use imagination to manage
Research figures are important for understanding past and present conditions, but numbers can only tell you. Research figures do not show that you predict the future. Many companies have been blinded by unpredictable changes. Look at GM and Motorola.
To foresee the future, try to use your imagination. Use your intuition, influence and logic to decide what the future is going to be, how your company should adjust and take the initiative to prepare. Moreover, you should estimate the possible situation with assumptions and deductions, and anticipate how your ideas can be verified.


  1. 用正確的語調。輕聲說話。可以讓人感覺到你和他們是同輩、同階層的夥伴, 表達出你的誠意。
  2. 同理心。如果你能夠讓你的部屬感覺到你和他們看到的是相接近的世界,你所展現的不僅是同情心,並且在他們眼中,你們會有共識。如果你要你的同事聽你的而且同意你,你先表現出對他們的同意。
  3. 真誠的微笑。微笑具有感染力。當人們看到你笑容燦爛,他們多半也會跟著笑起來。但是虛偽的表情是糊弄不了任何人的。要展現出溫暖,你必須發自內心、真誠的笑。
Good leaders build trust first
Most of today's leaders will emphasize their core competencies, strengths, and superior records, but if people don't trust you, this will not work.
We need to win people's trust to make them feel cozy. How do you do it?
  1. Use the correct intonation. Speak in a whisper. You can make people feel that you and them are friends of the same generation and class, and express your sincerity.
  2. In the same mind. If you can let your subordinates feel that you and what they see are close to the world, what you show is not only compassionate, but in their eyes, you will have a consensus. If you want your colleagues to listen to you and agree with you, you first show your consent to them.
  3. Sincere smile. The smile is infective. When people see you smile brightly, most of them will laugh. But the expression of hypocrisy is not fooling anyone. To show warmth, you must smile from heart to heart.


  1. 感覺自己在指揮著。如果自己感覺是個冒牌貨,別人也會這麼覺得。相反的,相信你自己可以展現自信、熱情、對人充滿愛。
  2. 筆直站好。你只要挺直,看起來有朝氣,不要彎腰駝背,看起來一副精神萎靡狀。
  3. 莊重穩健。如果你老是搖擺、坐立不安,會讓你感覺你不能控制自己。莊重一些,會讓人對你容易產生信任感。
Show that you are a leader
The image of a leader can be seen from his position in the organization, his reputation, and his actual performance. But his appearance is also an element of the leader's image.
If you want others to see you as a leader, please refer to the following:
  1. Feel that you are directing. If they feel like a counterfeit, others will feel that way too. On the contrary, I believe you can show your confidence, enthusiasm and love for people.
  2. Stand up straight. You just need to be upright and look energetic. Don't stoop and look like a mental slump.
  3. Is solemn and soundness. If you are always swaying and fidgeting, it will make you feel you can't control yourself. Be serious and make people trust you more easily.


曾任職知名《財星》雜誌,負責調查世界排名的500大企業、提供超過200CEO管理建議的Roselinde Torres發現,近年來管理職位的人才落差日益趨大,商業模式已經無法比照過去的傳統,她決定辭去工作,專心調查此趨勢的原因,並為21世紀的領導者,統整出三個必須問自己的問題。
Roselinde Torres, a former well-known Fortune Star magazine investigating 500 top companies in the world and providing management advice to more than 200 CEOs, found that in recent years, the gap between managerial positions has become wider and wider. Business models are no longer comparable to past traditions. She decided to quit her job and focus on investigating the causes of this trend, and put together three questions for leaders in the 21st century. My own problems.
Three main factors for the success of contemporary leaders
Question 1: When do you think your life and the next business model will change?
No one can predict when such a change will occur, but there are signs of whether there is an opportunity for such a change. You can find clues from your recent agency, regular friends, topics you talk to others, books you're reading, or countries you're traveling to. These seemingly unrelated events can have an impact on your decision to move forward in the future. Contemporary leaders are highly sensitive to the environment in which they live. They are not only responsive to the future, but also able to shape their own future.
Question 2: Does your Internet have diversity?
We usually only get along with people like ourselves, and the key to a successful leader is - can you get along well with people who are completely different from you? This may be physical, psychological, political, cultural or economic differences. If you can embrace these differences and make them willing to keep in touch with you and expand their circle of friends, it will improve the level of problem solving, have a wider range of resources, and look at every aspect of everything.
Question 3: Are you brave enough to abandon the habits that made you successful in the past?
"Be at ease with circumstances, and accept adversities" can really make you have a stable life, but successful leaders will not talk on paper, but will actually make a break. When you have enough emotional intelligence to tolerate criticism of your ideas as "naive" and "dumb", there will be a group of unexpected people who are not part of your original circle, but because there are many different ideas, both sides will be more willing to try new inspirations that are considered "dumb".