- 建立緊迫感。讓你的團隊成員知道他們的工作是很關鍵的。他們必須當下就很在乎,而非可以慢條斯理的被擱置到以後的時間。你也必須讓他們看到完成工作交付后可以得到的成果。
- 設定高標準。如果對團隊成員期待愈高,他們就愈有可能發揮更高的工作效能。因此,你應該儘可能對他們設定具有野心的工作目標,讓他們去挑戰它。
- 一開始就要做對。在一開始召開項目會議,就必須付諸特別的注意,要讓團隊成員留下深刻的印象。如果他們能夠在啟動任務時就進入正確的工作狀態,後面的工作就會順利許多。
Improve your team performance
is a complex job to lead a team successfully. Please use the following ways to
improve your team performance:
- Establish a sense of urgency. Let your team members know that their work is critical. They must be very concerned at the moment, rather than being able to postpone it to the next time. You must also let them see the results that can be achieved after the completion of the work.
- Set high standards. If the expectations of team members are higher, the more likely they are to perform higher work efficiency. Therefore, you should set ambitious ambitions for them to challenge them as much as possible.
- At the beginning of the right to do. At the beginning of a project meeting, special attention must be paid to impress the team members. If they can get into the right working state when they start the task, the work will be much better.