Coordination of legs and hands
Everyone is born with legs and hands. They listen to the instructions from the head and brain nerves and cooperate with each other so that a person can move freely.
However, the functions of legs and hands are quite different.
Two legs are used for walking. Almost no one walks on one leg, the other does not. They have to walk on both legs, but they take turns to move people forward. The basic function and efficiency of the two legs are the same.
Two hands are used to grab things. However, most things can be held in one hand, for example, we only need one hand to hold chopsticks and write, instead of using both hands to hold chopsticks and write at the same time.
In addition, some people are naturally left-handed, just like myself, since childhood, eating and writing with their left hand are relatively easy. After school, the teacher asked me to write with my right hand instead. As a result, I used to write well in my left hand, and after being forced to change it to my right hand, I could not write well all my life, and I hated writing.
Therefore, the functions and characteristics of hands and legs are different. The left and right legs usually work together, there is no basic difference; you can use one hand to hold things, not necessarily both hands at the same time, there are some differences in the performance of the left and right hands.
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