2016年11月12日 星期六


你可以考慮在早上發出能夠振奮人心、打招呼的信息,或是在辦公室入口擺置悅目的鮮花, 或是一早在辦公室播放輕鬆的音樂,或是親切的向員工問候。

Help your employees get rid of bad emotions
Morning traffic jams, spilled coffee, and being late for work, etc., will make employees go to work early in the morning with bad mood. If your employees go to work in the morning with bad mood, they may make her work all day poorly.
Luckily the boss can help the employees get rid of this bad mood.
You can consider sending an inspiring greeting message in the morning, putting up beautiful flowers at the office entrance, or playing relaxing music in the office early in the morning, or greeting the your employees kindly.
Try to avoid meeting feeling early in the morning, or send out a pile of mail that must be handled immediately the previous night.
It doesn't mean that you can let your employees relax in the morning, but your behavior towards employees can affect her spirit of work. How you treat them, they will give you the right response.

2016年11月11日 星期五


  1.  說出觀點并且咨詢相關意見。這個規則可以避免發言走岔,並且可以讓每個人在相互了解下進行建設性的發言。
  2. 對關鍵字眼意義達成共識。你希望與會人員對於一些關鍵字眼的意義有共同的認識。你可以舉例說明。
  3. 解釋理由與企圖。這可以讓每個人能夠理解他人的主張和自己有何差異。
  4. 一起設定後續行動。這可以讓大家成為一個合作的團隊,做出一致的行動。
Set some basic rules for the meeting
To reach some consensus conference conducted in a way that can make the meeting more successful. For example: "The meeting on time, end time, the mobile phone is set to vibration mode, and so on. These rules not only meeting the rules, also helps to make the meeting more powerful conclusion.
These conference rules contain some behaviors and meeting manners that some participants should abide by.
  1. Present your views and consult relevant opinions. This rule can avoid interruptions and allow everyone to speak constructively with mutual understanding.
  2. Reach a consensus on the meeting of key words. Agree on the meaning of some keyword meaning. You can give an example.
  3. Explain the reason and attempt. This allows everyone to understand the difference between the ideas of others and yours.
  4. Set up the follow-up action together, which allows you to become a cooperative team and make a consistent action.

2016年11月10日 星期四


多數人認為如果面臨壓力,生產力勢必會因為疲倦與緊張下降。事實上根據葉杜二氏法則(Yerkes-Dodson law),壓力和生產力之間的關係呈鐘形曲線,被壓力追著跑不全然是一件需要竭盡全力避免的事情;相反地,對短期工作而言,適度的壓力其實能提高生產力到某個程度。
生物科技產品研發公司Grindhouse Wetware的共同創辦人Tim CannonFast Company發表了他對壓力之於工作生產力的想法,說明主管可以3個參考方向,適度給予員工進步成長所需的壓力,以免員工因為過度操勞遞出辭呈。

2016年11月9日 星期三


你可以制定會議規則讓開會討論能夠聚焦:任何人提出話題主張,他就是話題擁有者(issue owner,他必須負責追蹤該話題在被充分討論,做出決議前,不得讓會議轉移到新話題。

Let the meeting focus
We have experienced the meeting didn't focus on the discussion, with one giving an personal opinion, and two other people giving feedback comments to, but someone subtly diverting the topic, then other people will divert attention to the new topic. Even if the new topic and theme of the conference, but a meeting at the same time there are several different dialogues, will make the meeting indecisive.
You can draw up the rules of the conference and make the conference discussion focus: anyone who puts forward the topic proposition is the topic owner (issue owner). He must be responsible for tracking the topic. Before the discussion is fully discussed and the decision is made, the conference shall not be transferred to the new topic.
This means that it is necessary to pay attention to whether each person's speech at the meeting is related to the topic you have raised. For example, you say, "I advocate that we should not modify our planned plans before we see the first quarter financial report." And then ask, "Do anyone have any concerns about this proposition?"

2016年11月8日 星期二



Respect for women's speeches in the meeting
Ideally, all participants can fully contribute their different views. But in fact, very few meetings can do so. In particular, women are often interrupted when they speak, and their opinions are seldom respected enough.
You have to make sure that everyone can not discriminate against others.
It's necessary for you to establish a culture of equal respect for men and women, which is included in meetings. They should listen carefully to others' speeches, and their eyes should keep contact with speakers.
You can set some rules for meetings, for example, "Don’t easily interrupt others' speeches" Or, when someone makes an important claim and has to make a decision, invite everyone at the table to express their views, including women.
If someone makes the contempt for women or language behavior, you can first use the relaxed tone to reveal his improper behavior, let him embarrassment, but also consciously.