2016年12月17日 星期六


The crisis message should be transparent
When companies face a crisis, they tend to hide information, hoping that no one will notice. However, the more you hide the news of a crisis is, the more people will notice it. When the crisis floats, people will exaggerate the crisis.
When someone gets the news in private at the beginning of the crisis, other people who follow up the message will doubt the credibility of the news.
If a company can openly acknowledge and declare the emergence of a crisis, the situation is more easily controlled. People would think I had heard about it, so I wouldn't be in a panic.


  1. 不要壓抑你的情緒。壓抑你的情緒對你的情緒是不好的。當我們感到悲哀、痛苦、困惑與生氣時,我們就是很難壓抑住情緒。讓你的團隊成員知道你和他們一樣感到艱難,你們可以因此建立起命運共同體的認同。
  2. 建立起心理的安全感。請你的團隊成員說出他們的感受,說出他們的期望。即使你不能實際做到他麼的期待,他們也會知道你關切著他們的感受,感到溫馨。
  3. 以彼此幫助來改善困難。恐懼感會讓我們陷入慌亂。在這個時候,彼此關切,彼此幫助,可以讓我們恢復平靜,用穩定的態度來面對困難。
Help your team get through the crisis
When national disasters occur, such as large earthquakes, floods, suicide bombings, wars, and so on, everyone will be affected. At this point, it is more important than anything for the supervisor to calm down and get through the difficulty. In a difficult time, as a leader, how do you get the team members to have a correct attitude when they are difficult?
  1. Do not suppress your emotions. It's not good for your emotions to suppress your emotions. When we feel sad, painful, confused and angry, it is hard to suppress our emotions. Let your team members know that you are as difficult as they are, and you can establish the identity of the destiny community.
  2. Establish a psychological security. Ask your team members to tell them how they feel and tell their expectations. Even if you can't actually do what you expect, they will know that you are concerned about their feelings and feel warm.
  3. To help each other to improve the difficulties. Fear can get us into a panic. At this time, we are concerned with each other and help each other. We can restore calm and face difficulties with a stable attitude.



Make authorization easier
All leaders think they are delegating, but too many of them are doing too much. What should these overloaded heads do?
First of all, we should pay attention to it. If you find that you refuse to participate in a work habit, it shows that you are not authorized.
You should develop an operating procedure and allow yourself to delegate it in this way. If you have to spend time explaining this job program, or always answering questions about this program, then authorization will be invalid. Authorization requires clear and effective communication.
Try to reduce the meeting as much as possible, and let you have to respond to the same thing many times. Effective authorization is to allow you to deal with the least time. You can ask your trusted team members how your authorization is done.

If technology can be used to reduce the cost of collaboration, for example, using cloud storage space, do not ignore the investment in this technology. It is good investment to make delegation more effective.


  1. 採用同一種作法。例如,如果某個團隊習慣私下解決衝突,則可以開始要求在會議中公開的討論。
  2. 將兩種作法整合在一起。兩個團隊可以先私下協調彼此的衝突,然後提到比較大的團隊中去協調。
  3. 作出妥協。兩個團隊可以自行決定如何協調衝突,而作出妥協是最後的作法,因為這會使每個人都覺得不滿意。
How can two different teams work together?
It is easy to think that the same company can have the same culture, share the same value and the same mode of operation. But different teams usually have different ways of working, which makes the collaboration between different teams challenging.
For example, one team may think that the best solution to a conflict is a collective solution, while the other team would think it better to be in private coordination.
There are other options for working with different teams:
  1. Follow the same approach. For example, if a team is used to resolving conflicts privately, it is possible to start asking for public discussions in the meeting.
  2. Integrate the two approaches. The two teams can coordinate their conflicts in private and then refer to the larger teams to coordinate.
  3. Make a compromise. Two teams can decide how to coordinate conflicts by themselves, and making compromises is the last resort, because it makes everyone feel dissatisfied.



Integration of customer feedback and employee feedback system
Most companies ask customers to give feedback on their products and services, but only a few companies ask their employees to give feedback as well. This will lose a lot of opportunities. You can integrate your customer feedback with employee feedback system, especially when your customers and employees feel differently.
So, when you are for the customer, "Have you solved the problem what you have encountered?" And by the way, ask your staff, "Did you solve the problem?" And: "Do you have enough resources to solve the problem?" Combining these two aspects of feedback can give you a better understanding of your customers. Leaders can use such information to instruct employees, assess their resources and work ways, and dig out potential innovative employees.
Connecting customer feedback to employee feedback allows the company to have a better ability to respond to rapidly changing customer expectations.

2016年12月11日 星期日


我的建議是四要,四不要。先從不要說起。《人物志》一書中有關於君臣關係的一句話:“臣以自任為能,君以用人為能;臣以能言為能,君以能聽為能;臣以能行為能,君以能賞罰為能。所能不同,故能君眾材也。“ 即使我們的古漢語不 好,我們也能大概理解這句話的意思:上面做的事情和下面的不一樣,上面才能領導下面。反之觀察很多老闆的行為,我發現很多人都在做員工可以和應該做的事情,以及在做員工可以和應該做的決定。所以我建議老闆決策的第一個不要就是不要做員工能做的決定。
從決定的角度問員工最怕老闆什麼?我估計員工會說最怕老闆“朝令 夕改”,因為朝令夕改讓他們無所適從。我非常能理解在老闆位置上的我們接收的資訊變化非常快,因而我們的決定也會隨之改變,但我們不得不承認很多決定的改變,並不是因為資訊本身改變了,而是因為我們做決定前沒有充分瞭解本來應該掌握的資訊。考慮到修改決定的雙重成本(一是 大家前面做的都沒有用了,二是員工對老闆的決定不再信任了),我第二個建議是老闆做決定不要朝令夕改
什麼最容易讓我們做出錯誤的決定?我猜測是偏聽偏信。偏聽偏信的 原因很多,心理上我們都喜歡聽好聽的,不喜歡聽不同意見。相同意見能讓我們堅定信心,不同意見能讓我們看清楚事情的真相。只有基於全面信 息的決定才會是好的決定,所以我的第三個建議是不要偏聽偏信
第二個要是要算大賬。你做企業的目的可能不是賺錢,但做企業又必須賺錢,用我的一個客戶的話說,企業虧損就是犯罪,因為虧損你就沒有能力回饋員工和客戶了。要賺錢就要算每一個重要決定的賬,看看這個決 定的好處是否大過壞處?老闆的直覺是一個很寶貴的東西,我們一定要利用直覺。但是如果直覺加上算帳的驗證,決定正確的概率就會大很多。
第四個要是要做原則決策。原則決策(例如公司的戰略、公司的模式、公司的重大制度、公司的價值觀)只能老闆做,因為別人做不了。有了原 則決策,員工的決策就會容易很多,因為企業裡大部分的決定都是根據原則定的。如果老闆不善於做原則性決策,員工就得事事請教老闆,老闆就不得不花費大量時間做具體的決定,整個公司就會缺乏效率。
老闆的決定通常是大決定,是戰略決定,是原則決定。老闆是否做決定,如何做決定,決定正確與否,極大程度決定了公司其他人的效率和公司的發展。好決策決勝千里,壞決策累死千軍。正因為此,我們需要不 斷提高我們的決策能力。
