2018年11月23日 星期五



Managers, Are You Delegating Too Much?
When managers delegate too often, their employees feel abandoned and unmotivated. There are a number of warning signs that you over-delegate, from miscommunicating with your team, to hearing about issues at the last minute, to misunderstanding how your employees set priorities. But the solution isn’t to overcorrect and start doing a bunch of low-level tasks.
One approach is to signal that you’re reengaging by taking on a project that’s closely tied to your team’s work. Another is to reset expectations with your team.
Use an offsite or planning meeting to reconfirm the vision for the department and get everyone on the same page about goals. It’s also a good idea to double down on communicating your vision for the team.
Use every opportunity to stress and reinforce the message. You can remind people about the overarching vision at the beginning of a project, during town halls and other forums, or periodically through email. 

2018年11月21日 星期三



Tell Your Employees It’s OK to Look for Other Jobs (Yes, Really)
Encouraging your star performers to consider outside job offers might seem like a bad idea. But doing so sends them a clear signal that you care about their learning and development. Tell the people you manage that you want them to consider all options for their careers.
This will help them to talk openly with you about their career plans, which in turn will give you the time and opportunity to find a way to keep them when they’re considering a job offer.
Maybe you can give them a new project, add to their responsibilities, or negotiate a raise. And if you think an employee has grown as much as they can in your company, support their efforts to get a job somewhere else.
Your transparency will make them more likely to recommend your company as a great place to work, and maybe even to return in the future.