2016年6月10日 星期五



Remember that we were first coming
When we first entered the workplace, we were also the most basic employees in the company. We used to copy from others, to help pour coffee, always listen to people, but do not know why to do these jobs.
Nowadays, when we become senior employees in enterprises, we often forget our appearance when facing young people.
Please be respectful, respecting new people and the work they are assigned to, whether they are trivial tasks, or tasks that involve great vision.
Please explain to them why copying and helping people to pour coffee is important to the team and can lead them to the future success.
Please give them sincere feedback so that they can adapt to the working environment as soon as possible. If you guide them in public, or criticize them, it will only make no use of the matter, won't win their respect for you, and will hurt your personal image.

