2016年6月10日 星期五


  1. 先考慮員工的需求。公平對待員工,讓他們做出符合他們以及公司需求的工作,而非只是符合你個人的需求。支持他們有機會做出傑出表現,並且承擔那些認真負責的員工所發生的失敗的責任。這樣會讓他們在數年之內對你保持忠誠。
  2. 進行授權。讓員工有自主權,可以激發他們的動力,做出數倍的工作效能。確保他們的激情可以符合公司發展方向,並且給他們高授權空間,資源,以及指導支持。拿掉可能會阻礙他們發展的障礙,協助他們去克服挑戰。最重要的,永遠讚揚與肯定他們做出的成功表現。
Two rules for keeping employees engaged
Every leader wants dedicated staff. But many bosses are not doing their part to make this happen. 
Here's what you can do to win your employees' commitment to due diligence: 
  1. Consider the needs of employees first. Treat your employees fairly and let them do jobs that suit their needs and those of the company, not just your personal needs. Support them to have the opportunity to excel and to take responsibility for the failures of those responsible employees. This will keep them loyal to you for years. 
  2. Delegation of authority. Giving employees autonomy can motivate them to work several times more efficiently. Make sure their passion is in line with the direction of the company, and give them a high degree of empowerment, resources, and mentoring support. Remove obstacles that may hinder their development and help them overcome challenges. Above all, always praise and acknowledge their successful performance.

