2016年6月10日 星期五


  1. 適時出現。員工通常最困擾的,包含不能及時處置,浪費時間。這包含了員工在等你出席會議,給予指示。不要因為你是重要人物,就有權讓你的員工必須等待你的出現。
  2. 不要隨意打斷。找到適當的時間來和員工對話,而不要任意的叫喚集合、或要求員工必須中斷他手上在進行的工作,而以電話或郵件立即回復你突然的要求。
  3. 讓他們可以好好辯論一番。不要避免衝突。讓你的員工可以感到放心的相互辯論,甚至向你結辯。如此,他們即使有不同的意見,也會在討論過程中產生新的創意,提高團隊生產力。
How to support your team more effectively?
To accomplish a task, employees should overcome many difficulties, external threats and obstacles. A good boss will help his employees avoid these difficulties.
How to do it?
  1. Appear in time. Employees are often the most troubled, including not being able to handle in time and wasting time. This includes staff waiting for you to attend the meeting and giving instructions. Don't let your employees wait for you because you're an important person.
  2. Don't interrupt at will. Find the right time to talk to an employee, instead of calling a group at will or asking the employee to interrupt the work he is doing, and immediately respond to your sudden request by phone or email.
  3. Let them have a good debate. Don't avoid conflict. Let your employees feel at ease arguing with each other, even with you. In this way, even if they have different opinions, they will generate new ideas and improve team productivity in the process of discussion.

