2016年6月14日 星期二


  1. 用電話對話。若是用電子郵件、LINE,可以留下有用的記錄,方便追蹤,但是寫郵件打字很費時間,不如直接拿起電話來對話。對話可以立即得到你想要的回復,並且避免反復來回的麻煩。
  2. 鼓勵優化作業。問你的員工:“我們可以不開什麼樣的會議?我們可以不要什麼樣的報告文件?在我們的工作程序中有什麼步驟是可以拿掉的?”你應該讓你的員工知道他們的建議並不是抱怨,而是對提高生產力有幫助的創意。
  3. 停止檢討影響不大的工作。在遞交文件給客戶前作詳細的檢查是正確的作法。但是,并不是所有的工作結果都是關鍵性的。告訴你的團隊成員,做好品質控制是他們自己的責任,而你相信他們會做好自己的工作。
Three simple ways to improve team productivity
All teams are frustrated by redundant actions.
Please use the following simple ways to get rid of these redundant actions:
  1. Dialogue by telephone. If you use email, LINE, you can leave useful records, easy to track, but writing email typing is time-consuming, it is better to pick up the phone directly to talk. Dialogue can get the response you want immediately and avoid the hassle of going back and forth.
  2. Encourage the optimization of work. Ask your employees, "What kind of meetings can we not have? What kind of reporting documents can we not have? What steps can be taken out of our working procedures? You should let your employees know that their suggestions are not complaints, but ideas that can help improve productivity.
  3. Stop reviewing work that has little impact. It is correct to make detailed checks before submitting documents to customers. However, not all work outcomes are critical. Tell your team members that it's their responsibility to control quality, and you believe they will do their job well.

