2017年8月25日 星期五


因此,你要深入了解團隊成員每個人的實際素質與心態。並且擬定出一個你能夠掌控的工作清單與計劃、一個詳細的工作分配表,規定好負責人、支援者、每個項目成功的關鍵動作、需要有的支援內容、項目的備援計劃(Back-up Plan)。

Make Sure the Workload on Your Team is Even
We usually tend to plug difficult work on talented people, but release workload for unreliable people.
However, some talents are too arrogant. He is actually not affordable to deliver what he commited. On the other side, some people are too savvy to outsource his job to other people.
Such job assignment makes workload unbalanced for your team members, and bad for your control on project fulfillment.
Therefore, you should have a deep understanding of the actual quality and mentality of your team members . Draw up a list of the work plan. With that, you can control your project.
Your goal is to make each team member understand how to deliver, his responsibility, report line, have confidence on his professional skill. You also have to establish a right cooperation mechanism.

Most importantly, you must be able to monitor closely and adjust flexibly after the project is started.

