2017年8月26日 星期六



Make sure everyone feels like he's in a meeting
Meetings are not just for meeting conclusions, but you also have to make every participant feel that he's participating, he is valuable, he is satisfied.
Give everyone a chance to speak, and pay attention to who has spoken, who has not spoken, whether or not someone occupied the speaking time.
Before the meeting, think about which topic needs to be heard. Ask yourself: who needs introduction to the topic? Who has influence on this issue? Who needs to be consulted? Who will be affected by this issue? Who will be the main opponent?
When the meeting comes to the fork, which old hand can be asked to know what we have missed or something wrong?
You don't need to make strict meeting rules, but creating an inclusive style of conversation makes it easier to notice who hasn’t spoken and to make sure everyone feel his participation in the meeting and respected, rather than you want to control the meeting or meeting is dedicated by someone.

