2016年6月17日 星期五


  1. 先入為主。許多人會給最先收到的資訊不成比例的重視。在決策時,即使最先的意見是對的,也要保留去挖掘出其他的想法來。
  2. 保持現況。改變現況會比較容易陷入不確定的不安狀態,因此,許多領導者傾向于保守,而維持現況。正確的決策作法,應該是先問自己與他人,維持現況不動,是否能夠滿足經營目標?
  3. 堅持己見。當出現愈來愈多新的資訊來支援你的新決策想法時,去找你尊敬的同事來辯論,看看他是否能夠支持你的觀點。你應該避免找那些一向會支持你的人來論證。
Avoid pitfalls in decision-making
As a leader, making decisions is the most important task. The more risky the decision is, the easier it is for you to get into trouble.
Here's how to avoid the easiest mistake to make.
  1. Preconceived. Many people give disproportionate weight to the information they receive first. When making a decision, even if the first opinion is right, keep digging for other ideas. 
  2. Maintain the status quo. Changing the status quo is more likely to lead to uncertainty, so many leaders tend to be conservative and maintain the status quo. The right way to make a decision is to ask yourself and others first if you can meet your business objectives by keeping the situation as it stands.
  3. Stick to your own views. As more and more new information emerges to support your new decision-making ideas, talk to your respected colleagues to see if they can support your ideas. You should avoid identifying people who always support you.

