2016年6月12日 星期日


1.    告訴他,他有哪些好的表現。
2.    對他有問題的行為提出意見。
3.    最重要的,說完后要保持聯繫。

Keep in touch after giving negative comments
When employees hear your negative comments on their performance, you will most likely feel that you are harsh and mean, and even start to alienate you. So, as a supervisor, when you are preparing to make negative comments on your subordinates, you need to think carefully.
You have to do the following things.
1.          Tell him what good performance he has.
2.          Put forward his opinion on his problematic behavior.
3.          The most important thing is to keep in touch after the end of the talk.
When you hear your criticism, the employee usually feels that he wants to evade you and is unwilling to take the initiative to listen to you more. At this time, you must rebuild the relationship with him and let him know that you are still valuable to her.
You can guide his writing skills, or thank him for raising difficult questions at meetings. You can also try to establish intimate personal relationships with him, such as asking him, "how is your daughter recently?" Or "What does your wife think of your work?"
You can do this at the end of his performance feedback, or wait until the second day. Make sure that you keep in touch with him and keep him at ease and continue to maintain friendly relations with you.

