2016年6月15日 星期三


  1. 鼓勵團隊協作。向你的整個團隊講話,而非做個別的約見。與其提到個別員工的貢獻,多讚美團隊所建立起來的共同行為,以及集體作出的表現。
  2. 評估團隊績效。你可以每隔大約6個月,召集大家,檢討一次團隊的進展狀況。在這樣的團隊集合評估中,你可以不必稱讚個別的員工,多提出團隊完成了哪些事,並且未來還可以集體做些什麼。
  3. 給予集體獎勵。如果你做得到,請公司撥出一些獎金或是福利來獎勵團隊的貢獻績效。如果你沒有這樣的職權,那麼就嘗試以公開的方式做表揚,例如將團隊的工作相片張貼出來,或是在會議中感謝幾位資深或績優的員工,讓整個團隊感受到榮譽。
Establish correct team behavior
Most management systems and textbooks talk mostly about personal performance management, but you still have to pay attention to the performance of the whole team.
As a team leader, you must support and build the right team behavior.
  1. Encourage teamwork. Speak to your entire team instead of making individual appointments. Instead of mentioning the contributions of individual employees, praise the collective behavior that the team has built up and the collective performance.
  2. Evaluate team performance. You can call people together every six months or so to review the progress of the team. In such a group assessment, you don't need to praise individual employees, ask more about what the team has accomplished, and what the team can do collectively in the future.
  3. Give collective rewards. If you can, ask the company to set aside some bonuses or benefits to reward team performance. If you don't have such authority, try to praise the team in an open way, such as posting photos of the team's work, or thanking several senior or high-performing employees at meetings to make the team feel honored.

