2016年10月25日 星期二


  1. 你希望討論、決定或是挖掘什麼?
  2. 你希望出席者的部門成員知道這個會議做出了什麼決定?

Setting the purpose of a meeting
We often have a very important meeting have to participate, but we doubt, "What is the result of this meeting?"
The problem is usually not a discussion in the meeting. The reason why we can't get the result is mostly because there is no clear purpose for the meeting. For example, regular weekly meetings and monthly meetings are the same. Before the conference, we did not say what the purpose of the conference is to achieve, but let all departments do repetitive reports.
When deciding to hold a meeting, ask the following two questions to determine the purpose of your meeting:
  1. What do you want to discuss, decide or dig out?
  2. What do you want the members of the attendees to know about the decision made by the meeting?
By answering these two questions, you will be able to know how to set a high level of meeting.

