2017年5月5日 星期五



Give employees critical criticism of action
Constructive criticism is effective only when employees recognize problems and know that your criticisms are useful to them, know how to improve, and can still maintain your trust.
Often leader just show a gesture of dissatisfaction, without specific improvements, and letting critics guess how to improve by themselves, or try to find out what is the right solution.
You should ask the parties in a respectful way what choices they think are important.
For example, someone habitually gets 10 minutes late for a weekly meeting, and takes his job as an excuse.
If you just do a mild reprimand, for example, say: "Please be on time in the future.", or make a sharp criticism, said: "Shall we give you a new watch?" However, if you connect to the problem he would really care about, "You don't think you will be late. How do colleagues feel your image?", and then ask him to put forward a solution: "How do you think that you can make the meeting on time?"

