- 做筆記並堅持下去。給自己一個時間限制,把你要說的話濃縮成那麼多時間。
- 提前發送議程。告訴那些你尊重的人你希望他們會說話,然後在會上拜訪他們。
- 在房間裏到處走動,和每個人都有交談的機會。有些人會通過,但至少他們有機會——不必打斷你的話。
you’re leading a meeting, it’s tempting to hold the floor. After all, you
called everyone together, right? But no one wants to go to a meeting where one
person talks the whole time, and you’re unlikely to get what you need from the
group if you’re delivering a monologue.
keep yourself in check, try three tactics.
- Make notes and stick to them. Give yourself a time limit, and condense what you have to say into that amount of time.
- Send the agenda around in advance. Tell people whose opinions you respect that you are hoping they will speak up, and then call on them during the meeting.
- Go around the room and everyone has an opportunity to talk. Some people will pass, but at least they were given the chance — and didn’t have to interrupt you to get a word in.