- 推薦介紹。不要只是介紹一個人的職位抬頭。你應該介紹她的一些獨特點,并表達你的感激。例如,你可以如此介紹:“這位是小王。他是我們研發部的重要成員。他曾經提出改善我們在鞋面設計的很好構想,讓公司獲益很多。” 這裡用了“我們”、“重要”的詞,可以讓當事人產生歸屬感。
- 咨詢意見。不要以為每個人都會主動表達出他們的意見。你應該主動邀請, 詢問他們的意見,并繼續以問題深挖,如此可以讓他感覺到他的聲音被聽到了。
- 說他的故事。你可以說出對他的全部了解,詢問他你的認識是否正確。如此,可以建立起你們之間的感情連接。
How to give your employees a sense of belonging?
are usually born with a sense of belonging. This is the basis for our survival
and struggle. It's especially important for some vulnerable people in the
office. They don't want to be excluded from the
employees have a sense of belonging, they can improve their health, mood, and
work efficiency.
are a few tips for your employees to have a sense of belonging:
- Recommendation. Don't just mention a person's position. You should introduce some of her unique features and express your gratitude. For example, you can say: “This is Watson. He's an important member of our R & D department. He has put forward a good idea to improve our shoe design, which benefits the company a lot.”"Here we use “we” and “important”words, can make the party have a sense of belonging.
- Advisory opinion. Don't assume that everyone is willing to voice their opinions. You should invite them, ask their advice, and continue to dig deeper, so that he can feel his voice heard.
- Tell his story. You can say all you know about him and ask him if you know it correctly. In this way, you can estblish the emotional connection between you.