2016年6月18日 星期六


  1. 設立清楚的目標。你的工作時讓你的團隊成員清楚了解他們的工作目標,也讓他們自己決定如何達成目標。
  2. 分享領導權。你可以在團隊成員中選擇一位作為非正式領,讓他分享領導管理工作,例如安排臨時性的工作,或是進行非正式會議。
  3. 要求解決方案,而非帶來問題。當你的團隊成員遇到工作障礙,要求他們來見你報告時,不是只做解釋,也要提出解決問題的建議方案。鼓勵他們先想如何解決問題,而非只是想獲得你的觀點意見。
Balancing authority with authority
Good leaders will be prudent in balancing how to tell others how to do and authorize others to decide for themselves. For new executives, we should learn how to balance these two aspects.
Here are some tips for the art of Leadership:
  1. Set clear goals. When you work, let your team members clearly understand their work goals, and let them decide how to achieve their goals.
  2. Share the leadership. You can choose one of the team members as an informal leader to share leadership management, such as arranging temporary jobs, or meeting informal meetings.
  3. A solution is required, not a problem. When your team members encounter obstacles to work, ask them to come to see your report, not only to explain, but also to put forward a proposal to solve the problem. They are encouraged to think first of how to solve problems, not just to get your opinions.

