2016年6月16日 星期四


  1. 指涉要明確。你在指出他人問題時,不要做概念性的陳述,尤其要避免讓人感覺你在做人身攻擊。直接指出他的哪些行為是不正確的。說出衝擊。直接描述問題,說出他的行為產生了什麼不好的結果,對他自己,對部門,對公司,產生了哪些不利。
  2. 提出建議。你的回饋意見要能夠付諸行動,告訴他可以如何具體改善。
  3. 經常回饋。養成習慣,當別人做好時,要不吝經常讚揚,但是,也要經常提醒別人注意他的行為作法。
Give a helpful feedback
Providing feedback is sometimes a problem. Some people do not like others to give feedback and ask for changes in their behavior or ways of doing things. However, getting feedback is a very important tool for learning and improving career development.
Next time, when you want to give feedback to others, please do so:
  1. The reference should be clear. When you point out other people's problems, do not make any conceptual statements, especially avoid making people feel that you are making a personal attack. It is direct to point out which of his actions are incorrect. Say the shock. Describe the problem directly, tell what bad results his behavior has produced, and what are the disadvantages for himself, the Department, and the company.
  2. Provide recommendations. Your feedback should be able to act and tell him how to improve it.
  3. Regular feedback. Get used to it. When others are good, they should not hesitate to praise frequently, but also often remind others to pay attention to his behavior.

