2016年6月17日 星期五



Maximizing the effectiveness of micro decisions
Most of the success of a company comes from the small decisions made by many employees at the front line. The effectiveness of these small decisions is not less than that of several company level leaders. For example, front-line clerks decide how to deal with complaints from customers who come to their doors, and if they don't handle them properly, they may turn into a storm in a very short time. The clerk had to be on the lookout and had little time to do in-depth analysis and return the situation to his superiors, waiting for their decisions and instructions.
How can these front-line employees be able to make on-the-spot decisions? So that they can make good decisions for the company.
Obviously, in addition to the experience-based work guidelines that teach employees to work in accordance with standard operating procedures, the company needs to communicate its core values from top to bottom so that employees have a psychological benchmark to make the most correct decisions for the company.

