2016年6月14日 星期二


  1. 制定討論的規則。如果你主持一項會議,而預期可能在會議上會出現爭論場面,你可以先制定會議進行的規則,例如規定每人的發言時間,讓每人都有充足時間說明,而不受打斷。
  2. 記錄發言。當你知道誰可能會主導會議言論(很可能就是你自己),你要確保其他人也有權力發言,並且記錄下每位發言者的重點,做成會議記錄。
  3. 帶著同情心來傾聽。要有自覺地多聽少說。你了解更多對方的言論背景與立場,你就更能夠理解與同情對方的處境。如此,有助於找出解決方案。
Resolving conflicts through communication
Winning an argument is usually pleasant. However, in every argument, there will also be losers, who will be frustrated, feel abandoned, lose the stage and other negative emotions. This is not good for teamwork and team productivity, but harmful.
At the meeting, rather than anticipating a conflict of argument, it is better to establish a communication mechanism first.
  1. Formulate rules for discussion. If you are presiding over a meeting and anticipating that there may be an argument at the meeting, you can first set rules for the meeting, such as setting aside time for each person to speak, so that each person has sufficient time to explain without interruption.
  2. Record statements. When you know who is likely to dominate the conversation (probably yourself), you need to make sure that others have the right to speak, and record each speaker's priorities for the minutes.
  3. Listen with compassion. We should consciously listen more and speak less. If you know more about each other's speech background and position, you will be more able to understand and sympathize with each other's situation. In this way, it is helpful to find a solution.

