2018年6月30日 星期六



Managers, Deliberately Encourage and Reward Collaboration
There are a lot of reasons why someone might refuse help from a colleague. Some employees prefer to be self-reliant, others don’t want to feel obligated to return the favor, and still others don’t trust their coworkers’ motives. But these attitudes can increase employees’ risk of burnout and hinder social connections at work.
As a manager, you can encourage and recognize collaborative efforts by calling attention to them and explaining how they contribute to the organization’s goals and mission.
Be sure to demonstrate your willingness to accept help when you need it; employees are more likely to do it if they see their leaders doing it. And be careful not to send mixed messages: If employees who go it alone advance more quickly than those who give and receive support, people will pick up on that discrepancy — and they’ll go back to looking out for number one.

2018年6月24日 星期日



Try Collaborating with Your Work Rivals
In highly competitive organizations, employees are under constant pressure to outperform their colleagues. At stake are the best assignments and limited promotion opportunities. But this “healthy competition” can create a brutal culture, and may hold you back from performing at your best.
Instead of trying to outdo your competitors at work, consider collaborating with them. Exchange knowledge, ideas, and feedback so that you and others can learn from each other’s successes and failures.
For example, if you got tough feedback about the way you handled a project, you might be tempted to keep it to yourself. But if you share with colleagues what you learned from the experience, they might reciprocate and share equally valuable information.
Of course, opening up — and making yourself vulnerable — to competitors can be risky; you have to know who you can trust. But this kind of collaboration has much to offer you and your colleagues, not to mention the organization.