2017年11月22日 星期三



Motivate your team by linking work with important things
All managers need to motivate employees, but it’s hard by many to do that. Bosses who want to provide effective morale-boosting conversation should explain why it is important for them to ask people to do what they are doing. How do employees tasks relate to the goals of the organizations? Point out that your team has a real impact on customers, communities, or others.
For example, the CEO of a a pharmaceutical company might say: I know everyone here wants to help save the life of patients with heart disease. This is our job.or you can connect your staff responsibilities and their personal wishes. Fast-food restaurant manager can tell teenagers one of the workers, one of our company’s is to provide a good, stable job, let you have enough money to help your family and save college.
Research shows that linking work with meaning is one of the most important parts, but the right expression is critical to motivating your team.