2015年10月29日 星期四


  1. 應該向他們說明事情並鼓勵他們去做,但是不要告訴他們如何去做聰明的人一般不樂意直接接受領導者的意見,他們想要知道你為什麼要他們去做。
  2. 用你的專業,而非用你的權威來領導聰明的人通常對領導者的頭銜不買帳。
  3. 告訴他們你要他們做什麼,而不是告訴他們如何去做聰明的人通常樂於自己找到解決問題的方法並且樂於接受挑戰。
To wisest people, what should you say? What should not be said?
In your organization, have the greatest ability to increase the value of the people, do not necessarily have high title, also do not necessarily have a high degree of people. They are also not easy to accept the management of governing the people. Most of these smart people, what to say? What not to say?
  1. Things should be explained to them and encourage them to do it, but don't tell them what to do. Intelligent people are generally not willing to directly accept leader’s views, they want to know why you want them to do.
  2. Lead with your professional, not with your authority. The wise man usually not buy-in leader’s title.
  3. Tell them what you want them to do instead of telling them how to do it. Smart people are usually happy to find their own solutions and be willing to take challenges.

