2015年10月31日 星期六


  1. 可靠的。信任,是作為老闆的必須的基本特性。你應該總是信守自己所言。
  2. 有影響力的。你的部屬必須依靠別人的支持配合才能完成他的工作。因此,你必須建立起讓你下面的其他員工都能夠一起配合的工作關係,讓團隊的工作生產力提升。
  3. 專注團隊運作。團隊集體的力量,要大於個體力量的總和。領導者要能夠聚集團隊一起合作,賦予任務目標,清楚的執行計劃,以及建立起“我們”而非“我”的團隊文化。
Basic element of a competent boss
  1. Reliable trust is essential to being a boss. You should always keep what you say.
  2. Influential. Your subordinates must rely on the support of others to complete his work. Therefore, you must set up working relationship for other employees, so that the team works productive.
  3. Focus on the operation of the team. The team collective power is greater than the power of the individual strength. The leaders have to be able to gather team for clear mission objectives, implementation plans, and to establish the "We" instead of "I" culture of the team.

