2015年10月26日 星期一


  1. 描繪願景。將你的公司或是部門將要往什麼方向發展說清楚,並確保你周遭的人都清楚明白。
  2. 讓它實現。一旦你知道你將往哪裡去,專注在如何實現上。同樣地,你要讓你的人都知道他們應該如何做才能實現。
  3. 抓住當下的人才。將你的人的才幹充分挖掘出來,鼓勵他們將他們最佳能力表現出來。
  4. 建立未來的人才。尋找並培養出能夠在未來協助你成功的人才。
  5. 對自己投資。你永遠不可能是完美的領導者,你必須找到能夠持續增進你的能力的方法。
How to become a leader?
You can find countless textbooks to teach you how to be a successful leader, but don't forget the basics.
Here are five basic skills to be a leader:
  1. Depict the vision. Make clear what direction your company or department will develop and make sure that people around you are aware of it.
  2. Make it happen. Once you know where you're going, focus on how to implement it. Likewise, you have to let your people know what they should do to make it happen.
  3. Seize the present talent. Dig out your talents and encourage them to show their best abilities.
  4. Build a future talent. Look for and train people who will help you succeed in the future.
  5. Invest in yourself. You can never be a perfect leader. You must find ways to continue to improve your abilities.

