2015年10月28日 星期三


  1. 先弄清楚自己的動機。你真的想幫年輕人的忙嗎?還是,你只是在找機會挑毛病?除非你用意良善,否則請閉上尊口。
  2. 以自己的經驗來表述。與其一一點出這年輕人應該改進的內容,不如分享你過去的經驗與教訓。試著這樣說:“當我開始擔任主管時,真是一團糟。”然後說出你的教訓與心得。這樣可以讓人家聽起來比較不會是針鋒相對的在挑他的毛病。
How to give advice to young manager?
In modern companies, managers are across different ages. The older managers usually have better insight, can give specific in-depth views. But, they may fear young manager generally will venture to sprint, and often would like to provide advice to the young people. But, young people dislike a pair of older people at the tone of lessons.
Later, please provide your guidance to the young supervisor in the following way:
  1. Find out what your motives are. Do you really want to help young people? Or are you just looking for trouble? Unless you're good, close your mouth.
  2. On your own experience to express. And one point out that young people should improve the content, rather than sharing your past experience and lessons. Try to say: "When I started to charge, is really a mess." Then, say your lesson and experience. This can make people feel not sound to pin-point to his fault.

