2015年10月31日 星期六


1.    你太過忙碌以至於沒有時間進行授權或是訓練其他人。
2.    你沒有足夠時間去解釋工作項目內容。
3.    你本人是最佳或是唯一人選。
4.    沒有其他人夠資格擔當任務。
5.    如果你授權了,你將失去權威或是控制力。

Why do you have to authorize? How to authorize?
To make the business successful, you must share your responsibility and power with your employees.
Do you often feel that you need to work longer hours? Do you have too much work, but you're not even sure if you can work it out? If that's the case, then you're like most business operators who are tired all day. But how did this happen? The most frequently heard reasons include:
  1. You are so busy that you don't have time to delegate or train others.
  2. You don't have enough time to explain the work items.
  3. You are the best or the only person.
  4. No one else is qualified for the task.
  5.  If you delegate authority, you will lose authority or control.
Result: You are always stuck in other important things, and some projects are always delayed. Others are waiting for you, even if they are idle, and they lack challenging projects to hone their skills. Employees who want to participate in projects they are interested in and can develop their skills and opportunities for growth cannot be satisfied. Obviously, inevitably, the productivity and profitability of the company are hurt.
In this case, you must authorize. Especially when employees feel they need opportunities to learn new skills, learn more knowledge, and be willing to stand with the company. You'd better not just throw some boring work at them all the time. Employees feel motivated and inspired when they are empowered to take on important responsibilities for the company. Employees who are motivated are usually able to achieve high productivity. Isn't this the employee you want?
So, how should you delegate authority?
First, find the best candidate. Ironically, the best candidate is not always the most experienced or knowledgeable person in the company. The best candidate usually comes from the person who is most eager to learn and most eager to show that he can shoulder the heavy responsibilities. To find such candidates, you must often step into the employee circle, get to know them, and understand what challenges they are more interested in taking.
Secondly, the objectives of the project are clearly and logically described, and several important implementation steps are identified. Deliver this project to your chosen person and make sure that he understands these important implementation steps. You mustn't foolishly ask him these questions: Do you understand?  Or: Did you hear what I said?  The usual answer to such a question must be: [Yes!], whether he really hears it or not. No one wants to make the boss feel that he is incompetent. The correct way to do this is to ask: What is your first step? What about the second step?Where do you need support? How many people are you going to find to assign jobs?  What do you think is not clear enough, we need to discuss it again? 
Third, set clear checkpoints and deadlines for completion. Know that your employees are not as skilled as you are. They usually can't manage themselves. You must set up checkpoints, methods and dates for key implementation steps so that the authorized project staff know when to report their progress and results to you truthfully. In this way, you can really grasp the progress and quality of the work and ensure that the project is completed on time.
Fourth, give guidance regularly. Some newcomers need constant positive and negative guidance so that they know how to improve and meet your expectations. If you don't check and advise regularly during project development, employees will think they are doing it right. But that's not true, and you definitely don't want to discover employees' mistakes too late.
Finally, when the project is completed, review it with your authorized staff. In this way, your employees will know what is right and what is wrong. They will therefore know how to do the next project well. Through such a review, you will know how to improve yourself. More importantly, you will know whether the person you choose has the potential to take on greater responsibility, or whether you should replace the right person next time.

