2016年6月17日 星期五


  1. 列出優勢與劣勢清單。將可能發生的優勢與劣勢項目都列出來,然後請教其他人來了解他們對各個項目給予的權重觀點。
  2. 將短期與長期的效益平衡起來。決定好你願意放棄那些長期內容來獲得一些重要的短期利益,反之亦然。
  3. 評估你的支持力量。在評估可能的不同選擇方案時,也想想哪些人會支持你,而哪些人會反對你。你不能忽略掉哪些你絕對需要的人,也要爭取那些有可能會支持你的人。
How to assess the gains and losses as a decision?
All important decisions are inevitable. It is equally important to know what kind of loss you can not afford and what kind of benefits you want.
But how do you know what kind of loss can be borne? How can we not lose the position of negotiation? Please refer to the following practice?
  1. List the advantages and disadvantages. List possible strengths and weaknesses, and then consult others to understand their weight for each project.
  2. Balance the short-term and long-term benefits. Decide that you are willing to give up long-term content to get some important short-term benefits, and vice versa.
  3. Evaluate your support. When assessing possible alternatives, think about who will support you and who will oppose you. You can't ignore those who you absolutely need, and fight for those who may support you.

