2016年6月12日 星期日


  1. 建立信任關係。人們如果能夠相互信任,就比較有機會提高團隊工作效率。你要設法建立一個人們都願意說出真話的工作氛圍。
  2. 快速認知錯誤。沒有一個團隊可以不修正其錯誤而能夠得到成功的。讓團隊成員之間能夠真誠而即時的對話。
  3. 清楚揭示期望。對團隊使命認識愈清楚,愈能夠提高團隊績效。團隊成員的每個人都應該知道被如何期待著,其工作行為要能夠朝向促成團隊成功的方向。
Let your team start right
Whether your organization is big or small, a combination of personal relationships, or a virtual team, you must know how to make it work correctly.
Later, if you organize a new team, try to increase your chances of success by following the following steps:
  1. Establish a trust relationship. If people can trust each other, they will have the opportunity to improve team work efficiency. You should try to create a working atmosphere where people are willing to tell the truth.
  2. Fast cognitive errors. No team can succeed without correcting its mistakes. Let the team members be able to talk honestly and instantaneously.
  3. Clearly reveal the expectation. The more clear the team's mission is, the better the team performance will be. Everyone in the team should know how to look forward to, and their work behavior should be directed towards the direction of team success.

