2016年6月17日 星期五


  1. 信任直覺、接受挑戰、賭一把。在有些情況下,你的直覺也許是對的,但是因為它不是經過理性思維,很可能是錯誤的。如果你可以取得更多的資訊與分析,再與自己的直覺比對一下,看你是否還是相信自己是對的。
  2. 檢查自己是否有偏袒心。潛意識裡,很容易會想要先保護自己的利益。你應該承認自己難免也有這樣的偏袒心理。你可以找幾名可信任的同事,詢問他們你在作決策時,是否有自私的現象。
  3. 納入別人的意見。重大的決策不會憑空就搞定。你可以請教他人的不同意見。這樣做可以讓你得到更多不同的決策組合,並且在你做出決定時,可以得到更多人的支援。
How to make a high risk decision?
Even the most experienced leaders face the need to make a high risk decision.
Next time, when you are faced with such a risky decision, please refer to the following suggestions:
  1. Trust intuition, accept challenges, and bet on one. In some cases, your intuition may be right, but because it is not rational thinking, it is likely to be wrong. If you can get more information and analysis, compare it with your intuition to see if you still believe you are right.
  2. Check whether you have partiality. Subconsciously, it is easy to want to protect their own interests first. You should admit that you have such partiality. You can ask some trusted colleagues to ask if you are selfish when making decisions.
  3. Include the opinions of others. A major decision will not be done on the ground. You can ask others for different opinions. This will allow you to get more different decisions, and you can get more support when you make decisions.

