2016年6月14日 星期二


  1. 要求證據。當有任何人提出強烈要求你做出決策,請他提出必須做決策的理由以及支持證據。不要隨意附和他的口頭說法。
  2. 檢查邏輯。詳細的檢視證據,並且確認好其中的邏輯是站得住腳的,也就是其中的“因-果”關係必須是無誤的。
  3. 做驗證。如果你得不到證據資料,你可以設法建立一些證據資料。你可以邀請幾位經理人來做一個小的試驗,去檢測提出來的策略是否可行,依據驗證的結果資料來作為做決策的指導參考。
Don't make decisions that waste time and money
Many managers make important decisions by intuition, which can easily lead to bad results. On the contrary, if managers insist on making decisions based on logic and evidence, they can get better decision-making choices, and the company will also get better benefits.
Here are three ways to make decisions based on evidence:
  1. Demand proof. When someone strongly requests you to make a decision, ask him to give reasons and supporting evidence that you must make a decision. Don't randomly associate with his oral statement.
  2. Check logic. Examine the evidence in detail and confirm that the logic is valid, that is, the "cause-effect" relationship must be correct.
  3. Verify. If you don't get the evidence, you can try to establish some evidence. You can invite several managers to do a small experiment to test the feasibility of the proposed strategy and use the results of the validation as a guide for decision-making.

