2016年6月18日 星期六


  1. 指定一名打手。集體決策中,經常會先採用腦力風暴的集體討論。這個時候,你可以先安排一個人出來,扮演黑臉,對其他人的意見提出質疑,要求說明。如此,可以使一些非主流意見先受到挑戰,予以篩選。
  2. 建立決策小組。決策群的人數不宜太多,千萬不要超過9人。
  3. 維持穩定的決策群。儘量避免頻繁更替關鍵的參與決策者。固定的決策群,可以讓大家彼此有默契,瞭解彼此的風格,知道如何快速進行意見溝通與促成決策。
How to make collective decisions effectively?
Unlike most people, collective decision-making is not necessarily the best way to accomplish work. In the face of complex situations, such as coordination, conflict of views, and different motivations, and so on, even if you have a first-class group of experts and the most experienced staff, it often makes the operational effectiveness of the organization badly hit.
To maximize the organization's effectiveness, please adopt the following measures:
  1. Designate a batter. Collective brainstorming is often used in collective decision making. At this time, you can arrange for a person to come out, play a black face, and challenge others' opinions, asking for explanation. In this way, some non-mainstream opinions can be challenged first and screened.
  2. Set up a decision group. The number of decision making groups should not be too large. Do not exceed 9 people.
  3. Maintain a stable decision group. Try to avoid frequent replacement of key decision makers. A fixed decision-making group allows everyone to have a clear understanding of each other's style, and to know how to communicate quickly and make decisions.

