2016年6月15日 星期三


  1. 關注在光明面。作為領導者,你當然要務實,但是,相對於負面風險,你更應該關注在正面發展的機會。
  2. 將負面風險看成是正面發展的機會。如果你是一名務實的領導者,你當然會察覺到負面的風險。但是,你可以在負面風險中找到值得你企業挑戰與正面發展的機會。
  3. 不要混日子。能夠正面發展的部分因素,來自於事情可以被快速解決。面對負面衝擊,趕快採取因應行動。
Charge your team members
Many leaders underestimate the importance of positive energy. Good leaders know that they must not only motivate their team members, but also recharge them from time to time to enhance their energy. How to do it?
  1. Focus on the bright side. As a leader, of course, you need to be pragmatic, but relative to the negative risks, you should pay more attention to the opportunities for positive development.
  2. See negative risks as opportunities for positive development. If you are a pragmatic leader, of course you will be aware of the negative risks. However, you can find opportunities in the negative risks that are worthy of your challenge and positive development.
  3. Don't fool around. Part of the reason for positive development is that things can be solved quickly. Facing the negative impact, we should take prompt action to cope with it.

