2016年6月14日 星期二


  1. 只討論關乎關鍵策略的決定,而非做日常業務報告。請評估一下,會議的議題是關乎一個$10,000,000元以上金額的決定,還是只是個$10,000元的審批。如果沒有足夠的“0”的討論,就不是個值得作為策略會議的決定,不要浪費高階主管們的時間。
  2. 開關乎未來領導安排或建立策略夥伴的會議。當前的領導必須更關注在對未來組織的發展。拔擢公司未來的新明星,成為領導公司發展的關鍵人才,是個高層次的策略性議題。安排公司在供應鏈上的策略夥伴,能夠達到提高效率或是降低資源投入的目的,也是關鍵策略。
  3. 敏感而難以討論決定的議題。有些議題非常敏感,例如關乎公司層峰主管的領導風格,或是幾個部門資深主管間的衝突,如果沒有事前適當的安排,就搬上會議討論,通常是難以在會議上得到結果的,或是會引起更大的衝突。相反的,如果已經事前做好了妥善的安排,在會議上公佈,或是征求補充意見,則可以讓公司獲得突破性的發展。
To maximize the effectiveness of meetings involving senior managers
A meeting of several senior executives is a major resource commitment for the company. If the meeting is just to do some low-level business development reports, it is usually a waste of precious time for these high-level executives.
In contrast, a meeting of senior executives should focus on key issues related to the company's future development.
Whether you are a top manager or arrange meetings for senior managers, please pay attention to the following arrangements:
  1. Discuss only decisions about key strategies, not daily business reports. Please assess whether the topic of the meeting is a decision on the amount of more than $10,000,000, or just an approval of $10,000. If there is not enough "0" discussion, it is not a decision worth making as a strategy meeting. Don't waste the time of senior executives.
  2. Switching is a meeting for future leaders to arrange or establish strategic partners. Current leaders must pay more attention to the development of future organizations. It is a high-level strategic issue to promote the company's future new stars and become the key talents to lead the company's development. Arrangement of company's strategic partners in the supply chain can improve efficiency or reduce resource input, which is also a key strategy.
  3. Sensitive and difficult topics to discuss. Some issues are very sensitive, such as the leadership style of top managers in a company, or the conflict between senior managers in several departments. If there is no proper arrangement in advance, it will be difficult to get the result of the meeting or cause more conflicts. On the contrary, if proper arrangements have been made beforehand, announced at the meeting, or asked for supplementary opinions, the company can achieve breakthrough development.

