2016年6月14日 星期二


  1. 開會只用來討論團隊必須發展的事項。不要用會議來散佈“請供參考的資訊”,或作“理念宣導”。哪些資訊,你可以用郵件發佈。
  2. 會議通知單必須有清楚的討論議題。不要開會前幾分鐘才通知,要有充分的時間讓與會人員可以準備好他的意見。
  3. 做好并發佈會議記錄。將會議記錄發佈給相關者。有些人必須知道會議結論,但是不一定需要出席討論。會議記錄也可以確保會議結論得到實際推動。
Do not arrange meetings easily
Some people are keen to convene meetings. However, most meetings are a waste of everyone's precious time. What is the purpose of your meeting? Is it necessary to share information? Or do we need to get feedback? Can we communicate in other ways besides meetings?
The following tips can show you respect other people's time:
  1. Meetings are only used to discuss matters that must be developed by the team. Do not use meetings to disseminate "information for reference" or "idea propaganda". Which information can you post by email?
  2. Conference notices must be clearly discussed. Don't give a few minutes'notice before the meeting, but have plenty of time for the participants to prepare their opinions.
  3. Completes and releases meeting minutes. Issue minutes to stakeholders. Some people must know the conclusions of the conference, but they do not necessarily need to attend the discussion. The minutes also ensure that the conclusions of the conference are actually promoted.

