2016年6月11日 星期六


  1. 溝通。沒有什麽比與員工坦誠的溝通,更能夠讓他們去除焦慮與不確定的感覺。你應該告訴他們公司所面臨的形勢,發生了什麽事情,並且告訴他們公司預備如何度過難關。
  2. 邀請提供意見。當人們受到邀請來貢獻意見時,他們通常會感到有責任參與解決問題。你可以建立一個論壇,或是召開會議,請員工提出如何協助公司改革的意見。
  3. 提升人才能力。如果你現有的員工確實不適任,你可以考慮外聘優秀人才。 做一些策略性的外聘,提升你的組織成員整體能力。
Let your team keep fighting
In today's difficult economic situation, it is not easy for your team members to maintain their fighting capacity.
The following leadership styles can help you focus your team members on the company's development and feel responsible and involved in its future development:
  1. Communication. There is nothing more open than communication with employees to remove anxiety and uncertainty. You should tell them what's going on with the company, what's going on, and how the company is going to pull through.
  2. Invites comments. When people are invited to contribute their opinions, they usually feel responsible to participate in solving problems. You can set up a forum, or hold a meeting, and ask employees to come up with ideas on how to help the company reform.
  3. Enhance the ability of talents. If your employees are really not competent, you can consider hiring outstanding talents. Do some strategic outsourcing to improve the overall capabilities of your organization members.

