2016年6月10日 星期五


  1. 用正確的語調。輕聲說話。可以讓人感覺到你和他們是同輩、同階層的夥伴, 表達出你的誠意。
  2. 同理心。如果你能夠讓你的部屬感覺到你和他們看到的是相接近的世界,你所展現的不僅是同情心,並且在他們眼中,你們會有共識。如果你要你的同事聽你的而且同意你,你先表現出對他們的同意。
  3. 真誠的微笑。微笑具有感染力。當人們看到你笑容燦爛,他們多半也會跟著笑起來。但是虛偽的表情是糊弄不了任何人的。要展現出溫暖,你必須發自內心、真誠的笑。
Good leaders build trust first
Most of today's leaders will emphasize their core competencies, strengths, and superior records, but if people don't trust you, this will not work.
We need to win people's trust to make them feel cozy. How do you do it?
  1. Use the correct intonation. Speak in a whisper. You can make people feel that you and them are friends of the same generation and class, and express your sincerity.
  2. In the same mind. If you can let your subordinates feel that you and what they see are close to the world, what you show is not only compassionate, but in their eyes, you will have a consensus. If you want your colleagues to listen to you and agree with you, you first show your consent to them.
  3. Sincere smile. The smile is infective. When people see you smile brightly, most of them will laugh. But the expression of hypocrisy is not fooling anyone. To show warmth, you must smile from heart to heart.

