2016年6月10日 星期五


  1. 更努力的去激勵他。不要輕易放棄更,更加倍的去努力。和他爸保持正面的對話。給他更高的期待,讓他願意投入努力去改善。
  2. 開發他的能力。不要只關注具有高潛力的員工,而冷落了那些低度發展的員工,一樣要給他們有挑戰性的工作。
  3. 帶他去用午餐。領導主管通常喜歡與他喜歡的員工在一起,而讓那些不愉快的員工感到被冷落、被排斥了。你一樣要對這些受到冷落的員工,給予足夠的關心。
Disgruntled employees
No one likes to lead unhappy employees. They do not accept incentives and refuse to make changes. However, giving up them is not the solution. Here are some of the more humane ways to make your most melancholy employee return to the right track.
  1. Work harder to motivate him. Do not give up more easily, more times to work. Keep a positive conversation with his dad. Give him higher expectations, let him willing to put in efforts to improve.
  2. Develop his ability. Do not focus solely on employees with high potential, but neglect those employees who are low in development, and give them challenging jobs as well.
  3. Take him to lunch. The leader usually likes to be with his favorite employees, and make the unpleasant employees feel left out and rejected. You should also give enough care to those who are left behind.

