2016年6月10日 星期五


  1. 關注他人。不要只關心自己想要什麼。去了解別人在關切什麼事。你愈人性化,就愈能夠贏得人心。
  2. 將自己擺上去。將自己與人群結合起來,用行動與語言去做人們關注的事。讓自己不受艱難阻擋,那麼,人們就會感覺對你信任,支持你。
  3. 說出你的關切。有魅力的領導者會表達出他的關切,說出故事,講實際的案例。說出你的感受。這些內容會引起聽眾有共同的感受。
Learning to build leadership charisma
Leaders who can inspire others are usually attractive. People are happy to hear what he will say and what kind of guidance he will give. But can you learn how to motivate others?
The following tips will help you build your leadership charisma.
  1. Focus on others. Don't care only what you want. To understand what other people are concerned about. The more humane you are, the more you will win hearts and minds.
  2. Put yourself on there. Combine yourself with the crowd and use action and language to do what people are concerned about. Let yourself be protected from difficulties. Then people will feel that they trust you and support you.
  3. State your concern. A charming leader will express his concerns, tell stories, and talk about practical cases. Say how you feel. These contents will arouse common feelings among listeners.

