2016年6月10日 星期五


聽到這些,即使是對你是負面的,不要辯解。你可以先聽,然後開始採取行動。 或許,你會發現與其你直接面對這樣的炮火,不如授權指派一名副手來處理,至少他可以先深入瞭解狀況,收集實際資訊,讓你能夠從容應對。或許,你會因此發現團隊中有不合羣的份子,你必須進一步溝通或是進行再教育。或是,你會發現有些管理政策已經不適宜,必須修正或去除。

As a leader, you have to ask questions
As a leader, you need to know what your team members need to do to get the job done.
So why don't you ask them? You can habitually ask them, "How can I help you and make you work more efficiently?"
You may get a lot of different responses, including his complaints about others, or directly criticize your leadership style, and say you can't actually do anything.
If you hear this, even if it's negative to you, don't explain it. You can listen first and start taking action. Perhaps, you will find that it is better to appoint an aide to deal with the fire that you face directly to such a fire. At least he can get to know the situation and collect the actual information, so that you can cope with it. Perhaps you will find that there are disagreements in the team. You have to communicate more or reeducate. Or, you will find that some management policies are not suitable and must be corrected or removed.
In short, it is the most basic task for leaders to keep an eye on how your team members need your support.

