2016年6月9日 星期四


  1. 提醒他。不是每個人都有自覺能力。如果他正在分心做好幾件事,立刻提醒他,並且讓他知道他的行為影響到你了。
  2. 和他約另外的時間會面。建議安排一個他可以專心的時間再會面。最好安排在每天電話與郵件進來之前的早上開始上班的時間。
  3. 另外安排會面地點。走到房間其他位置,離開他的座位,讓他無法接觸電話與電腦。
Help colleagues who always do two things at a time to change habits
Many people always want to be able to handle many tasks at the same time. But if you're with a co-worker who's working with you, he's always looking at his phone, or at the email on his computer screen, that's frustrating. A colleague who can't concentrate will drag you down.
Try the following techniques to make him change his habits:
  1. Remind him. Not everyone is conscious. If he's distracted from a few things, remind him immediately and let him know that his actions affect you.
  2. Meet him for another time. It is suggested that he arrange a time when he can concentrate on meeting again. It's best to start working in the morning before phone calls and incoming mail each day.
  3. Arrange another meeting place. Walk to other places in the room, leave his seat, so that he can not touch the phone and computer.

