2016年6月11日 星期六


  1. 讓他們彼此認識。許多主管會認為團隊成員不需要知道彼此是誰,而仍然可以合作完成工作。這是錯誤的認知。你可以召開電話會議,鼓勵虛擬團隊的成員交談,說發生過哪些事,包含工作上的與私人的事情,建立起彼此的認識與私人情誼。
  2. 輪流領導。在辦公室之外,集中式的權力行使不會那麼有效力。讓你分散在各地的團隊成員輪流領導團隊。指定對於某個項目所需要的知識最熟悉的人來領導團隊,有的時候是技術領導,而有的時候是業務領導。
Build confidence in your virtual team
It's not easy to build team members' confidence in a traditional office, but it's even harder to build confidence in a virtual team scattered around the world.
But even if your team members are scattered around the globe, you can still build confidence among them if you can do the following:
  1. Let them know each other. Many managers think that team members don't need to know who each other is, but can still work together to get the job done. This is wrong perception. You can hold conference calls to encourage virtual team members to talk about what happened, including work and personal matters, and build mutual understanding and personal friendship.
  2. Leadership by turns. Outside the office, centralized exercise of power is less effective. Let your scattered team members take turns leading the team. Designate people who are most familiar with the knowledge required for a project to lead a team, sometimes as technical leaders and sometimes as business leaders.

