2016年6月5日 星期日


  1. 團隊協作不能一致。如果團隊領導者不能決定優先次序,那麼團隊中的每個人就必須自己決定自己的優先次序,如此就不太可能讓大家在協作上達成共識。
  2. 不良的決策品質。做出取捨的判斷會耗盡團隊的心力。如果一個團隊領導者不能在一個早上的時間做出決定,那麼整個團隊在整個下午也多半不能為客戶、為大家的工作方式,或是資源分配做出好的決定。
Don't delay making tough decisions
When an organization is going to make major changes, it usually has to bear the cognitive and emotional burden of team members. However, if the team leader is slow to decide which old directions to abandon to meet the new ones, then the old things will not disappear automatically, just slowly fade away.
Such a slow change will bring about two major problems in the reform process:
  1. Team collaboration is inconsistent. If the team leader can't decide the priorities, then everyone in the team must decide their own priorities, so it's not possible for everyone to reach consensus on collaboration.
  2. Bad decision-making quality. Judging a trade-off can drain the team's energy. If a team leader can't make a decision in the morning, then the whole team can't make a good decision for customers, the way they work, or the allocation of resources throughout the afternoon.

