2016年6月9日 星期四


  1. 列出利(pros)與弊(cons)項目。盡可能收集並列出所有可能的有利與不利的項目,然後請教別人,瞭解這些項目的重要性的權重如何?
  2. 作出短期與長期的平衡政策。決定好哪些專案是你願意在長期放棄,以換取短期的利益?反之亦然。
  3. 結合你的支持力量。在考慮各種可能的決策方案時,考慮好哪些人會支持哪一個方案,而哪些其他人又會反對哪一個方案。想好哪些人對你的支持或反對你可以置之不理,而哪些人的支持或抵制對你又是絕對重要的。
How to estimate gains and losses in making decisions?
All important decisions are bound to have gains and losses. Identifying what you can't achieve is as important as estimating what you can achieve in the end. But how do you know which gains and losses are acceptable to you, and are close to practicable?
Please use the following techniques to estimate your gains and losses?
  1. List the pros and cons projects. Collect and list all possible beneficial and disadvantageous projects as much as possible, and then ask others to understand the importance of these projects and their weight.
  2. Make a short-term and long-term balance policy. Decide which projects are willing to give up in the long run in return for short-term benefits? Vice versa.
  3. Combine your support power. When considering various possible decision-making options, consider who will support which one, and who others will oppose which one. Think about who supports or opposes you, and who supports or resists you is absolutely important.

