2016年8月30日 星期二


  1. 搞清楚實際狀況。許多企業領導者在危機發生時,沒有查明清楚實際發生了什麼事,沒有做出危害評估,就匆忙採取行動。下一次,請你先查明事實,弄清楚是什麼原因導致危機發生。
  2. 快速反應。不要等所有的資料與分析都出來了再行動。只要你確信已經大致已經掌握的狀況,就必須快速採取行動。你不能遲疑。遲疑採取行動只會讓人們焦慮。你必須堅決,迅速應對。
  3. 靈活應對。然而,你不能只依靠單一的應對策略。危機狀況可能不斷在發展改變,會有新的消息報告一直進來。你必須準備好靈活應變。
How to deal with the crisis?
Whether it's a flood or a power outage, it's possible to get your company into an emergency that can't work. However, how to deal with the crisis can produce a real crisis, or just a temporary difficulty, with very different results.
Next time, when the crisis occurs, please correspond to the following ways:
  1. Make clear the actual situation. Many business leaders, in the event of a crisis, did not find out what was actually happening, and did not make a hazard assessment, and took action in a hurry. Next time, please find out the facts and find out what causes the crisis.
  2. Quick reaction. Do not wait for all the information and analysis to come out again. You must take action quickly as long as you are convinced that you have generally mastered the situation. You can't hesitate. Hesitation to take action will only make people anxious. You must be resolute and quick to deal with.
  3. Flexible coping. However, you can't rely solely on a single coping strategy. The situation of the crisis may be constantly changing, and there will be new news reports coming in. You have to be ready to be flexible.

