2016年6月22日 星期三



The rewards your employees really want
Is this a happy workplace that employees want, just by giving them extra money and allowing them to spend it at will?
Surprisingly, giving employees more financial rewards often demoralizes them. He will encounter peer jealousy, greater competitive pressures, and thus undermine team morale.
You can try to change the way you pay work bonuses: you can develop a mutually beneficial incentive scheme, for example, by stipulating that a part of the bonus must be a contribution to the team, just like a welfare benefit, and that other team members who contribute to the project can get a part of the bonus together. In this way, every employee will be more satisfied with his work, so that the team maintains high morale.
Such rewards do not necessarily take the form of bonuses. You can also hold a celebration banquet to praise and thank you. Or give you a box of chocolates. In doing so, even if a unique contributor receives a real bonus, people will feel honored and take him as a model. The winner received the honor he really wanted.

