2016年10月6日 星期四



Silence means consent at the meeting
Many leaders think that when they ask employees for feedback, they speak out honestly and directly. But that is often not the case, especially when they are faced with public occasions and when their speeches touch on important issues, they are often silent. 
No matter how reluctant or passive they are, you have to force them to open up to speak. 
You have to set a rule of "silence means consent". Telling them to remain silent does not mean that "I am not voting" or "I reserve the right to speak later". Let them know: "I participated in the meeting, heard what everyone discussed." 
Then, you have to stick to this rule. Even if someone with considerable influence is out of order and says after the meeting that he has reservations about its conclusions, you have to say to him, "You have to be in the meeting and say your opinion." Now, everyone has made a decision. We must proceed in accordance with the resolution. Please give your opinion at the next meeting. "

